Nina’s air b n b

... hellllllo up there.. drone......

yep it's me... from my sweet cottage that i air b n b on my property..

people ask what i do.. i always say photographer, chambermaid and ambassador.... i love two out of three, and when i can, I get someone else to take over my chambermaid duties... (even though i'm quite the cleaner)

this place has been an added surprise to my life.. first built as a place to hold tools , mowers etc..... but my son asked for a small space inside to play his guitar.... this is what was built and designed by my x, with no plans.. he just started building...and 3 months later...

ultimately, it never had a mower or tools in there ,.. but my son playing his guitar, hanging out with friends.. a social gathering place of sorts... ping pong.. etc..

it was later moved to where it is now, on the other end of my property... and when it was vacant and unusued for two or more years one of my very dear friends pushed me to have an air b n b. this was when air b n b was just taking off... i heard about it ,but had never stayed at one

i asked her why would i do that? i live here alone...she told me i love people... people love me.. i love to talk to strangers... and i'm a natural host.. besides my yard is lovely and quiet..... and i'll make some income

after prodding and prodding me.. i ran around the property taking photos. put up the site and a month later pushed the button to publish the offering..... i felt like a fraud , i had no idea what the heck i was doing.

i never thought anyone would come here... and yet after the moment i hit the button my phone texts were alarming me every moment with requests....

8th year in and i’ve had hundreds of guests, many repeats and friends made, sharing of books, movies, travel, recipes, wine , meals...philosphies.. talks into the nite with fireflies, ping pong contests.... and yes they have tons of time alone, go off on their own adventures, and me often out or away as well...'s a good mix... and culturally wonderful as well since so many are from overseas..

i called it the love shack for a bit as a joke(me the madame), bc i've had so many couples.. getting away.. falling in love... engaged.. with babies. back as older couples, seeking alone time... i also joked there was more sex going on in there than i have had for a long time............. i also have tons of artists, photographers, film makers, writers, people in every part of the workforce.. but what i have in common with most of my guests.. like 95 % of them.. is shared humanistc beliefs about the world. ..connection, diversity, tolerance. open minded.. issues like climate, politics, race issues..... i’m so lucky to attract people here with great values...down to earth, heart.. generosity..spirit

... my friend was right. it has been perfect for me... and it's been a silver lining.

i actually rent my main house as well some times.. for several weeks or a month, and shut the cottage when i go away if i have a several week or monthly renter..

i also have an ongoing project based on this place.. still figuring out how to manifest it.. started with polaroids of people,what i learned about them in a few days, all their writings to me in many books, drawings, ephemera, stories, funny moments, articles....

lucky me for this wonderful surpise in my life. thankyou Cara Romano, and all my wonderful guests that keep on giving...

not sure how long i'll be here and keep doing this.. but i feel no matter where i would ever go i'd love to keep doing this... it brings the wider world, people you would never meet or talk to, closer together
