Looking Forward, Honoring the Past

this facebook question.. what's on your mind.... well here is what i'm thinking about........

I forget October is Breast Cancer awareness month. i don't think a lot about the year and a half i struggled with treatment and isolation..... it's tough.. and so i just don’t linger there....

i more focus on the person who faced something life threatening.. put one step in front of the other.. tried quite often to kill myself and others with humor and humility.. but more importantly it's who i have become in spite of it.. and what are some of the good things it taught me.. about myself.. the world... others...totally life changing.....

so thank you to all those people and you know who you are who showed me what i'm made of and stood by me when the world looked bleak.. i don't forget the experience or anyone.. i never will.... i just am choosing to look forward and to honor the past
