As i heard in a recent lecture on the brain and art…….. "An image or piece of art isn’t completed until its been viewed"
I'm going through lots of work (in preparation to finally edit...really edit first time ever)...... when i came across this image and a question about it from a non photographer, which i love, and my answer......
it really was quite revelatory to my thinking... and being as a photographer... helps me to hone in on my own work and what makes me tick, what matters to me and the connection of the various , often sometimes seemingly incongruous parts of my work
Is there an intended meaning behind your photos (which are excellent btw), or is it intended to be open to interpretation? Or is it just the visual aesthetics that you are after? (The skin color matching the pew/bench color) (And why are you taking pictures in what seems
to be a church?)
love your inquisatory mind.. always did.. initially i am drawn by my gut.. my visual acuity to different elements. but to something that speaks to me on various levels.. mood.. tenor.. moment.. always visual juxtapositions.. color.. hues.. or lack there off.. more elemental… yes it's a church in brazil.. i went in, and after some time there was drawn to this particular woman. i took several photos of her.. her face telling.. she was lost in prayer.. had tremendous strength in her .. defiance.. struggle.. in the end the photo i chose was of her from the back... love the kerchief.. the color yes of her dress and skin tone exacting to the pew.. the bone and shine of her skin. the bra strap.. her bent in total submission and connection to her prayer and faith..
images are meant in my minds eye to be provocative on some level..…. with the subject, pieces of myself revealed .... and then mb with those that view them…
what, how you interpret them is Always up to you…
but i love catching the eye of a non artist.. those that dont immerse in art or photography and wanting to embrace and understand more... often our audience is for those similar to us... same pull towards it.... i like the idea of pulling in people who shy away.. dont ask questions.. but want to understand more... so so good to me