Thinking about love.. what and whom we love…. it's valentine's day ,a hallmark holiday that bombards you...that in and of itself means zip… but what lies beneath is one of the most powerful life forces that guides and inspire us…and fills us up in ways we can hardly comprehend.
I certainly know I could not live without it.. it makes me feel high..... whether people, places or ideas…. love of family- my parents, My child. My friends(and they are my family too!), My animals,all animals.... intimacy/love with a partner-one of the best..………. That’s just in the immediate circle……
then the love of so many other things that make you feel alive…. A big moon that lights the night sky.. the sound of the surf as you sleep with the windows wide open.. bare feet…lightening bugs on a summer nite.... hot baths filled with bubbles.. showering outside naked… picking rocks along the waters edge looking for just that one… clean sheets…. Newly shaved legs… hot cocoa with whipped cream…. A puppy's unexpected lick right across your face …. landing somewhere hot after running away from winter's frigid air...….fighting/standing up for what is right… reaching out to someone with something seemingly so small, but meaning so much..a good conversation.... the birth of a great idea, laughing so hard you wish you had on depends........ photography again and again.. seeing something that sets my heart on fire.. yes my heart.. pounding..i can feel it in my chest....
all I know is one thing.. TO Love and Love More!